Saturday, June 05, 2010

Strawberry 100% OVA 00 Jump Festival 2004

Here's the first of the five OVA's. This one is still counted as a Strawberry 100% TV release.

There is a No Credit OP Version included as an alternate chapter edition.

Zalis will probably do a better write up later on the ReDone Subs blog.

Strawberry (Ichigo) 100% OVA 00 Jump Festival 2004

All future OVA's will be AC3 as they do not use PCM for the audio.

I apologize to whoever created the below script, I forget where I found it!

BTW, for those of you who want sharp subtitles while still maintaining the correct aspect ratio on the subtitles, try the below AviSynth script in ffdshow (you'll need avisynth installed, replace mon_width and mon_height with the dimensions of your monitor).

mon_width = 1920.
mon_height = 1080.
tar_width = mon_width
tar_height = 1.0*mon_width/width*height
(tar_height > mon_height) ? Eval("""
tar_height = mon_height
tar_width = 1.0*mon_height/height*width
""") : last
lanczosresize(int(tar_width)/2*2, int(tar_height)/2*2)

Make sure to configure the ffdshow avisynth settings as shown in the picture:

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